
Saturday, September 14, 2019

Attachment Theory and Partnership Model

Describe how partnerships with carers are developed and sustained in own work setting A partnership model work around a theory of collaboration, understanding and and communication. It’s a way that helps to recognise how the best outcomes can happen for children when care, development and learning provision/a setting , a cooperatively together. A partnership model looks like this: Identifying needs via a partnership /mullet agency document can happen though the pre CAF assessment check list and CAF common assessment framework which is shared with appropriate agencies.Alongside the aims of home nation’s early year framework –eg England’s eyfs, Wales’ foundation phase, NI foundation stage or Scotland’s prebrith-3 &curriculum for excellence, children’s progresses seen to be greater when a partnership is supported: evidence based on EPPE project quote: This finding indicates that what parents do is more important for the academic and socia l/behavioural development of their than who parents are supports a joint or joined up approach .Check how your setting promotes an open door policy, involves, actively invites and work towards engaging parents/carers in the setting ‘s planning and decision making processes. How do you share observations –daily happenings’ how parents/carers contribute 7 are part of assessments 7 updates by letting setting know about development’ interests, medical and dietary needs – data protection, confidentiality act & freedom of information.Considerations to take into account for a partnership model are the potential barriers could be involved: that–  Communication  & how to overcome those barriers – language, use & access to technology eg. phone, email, literacy skills technology —  Confidence & self esteem  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ anyone with less confidence, sense of worth and value may feel uncomfortable/incapable of imparting their ideas, view s and opinions. –  Obligations of work  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ time, income all have a bearing on how active a parent/carer can be in a partnership model. —  Learning disabilities and culture  can impact on relationships with care providers as an expectation to work together may be unexpected, unfamiliar, cause suspicion & be unwelcome it is also possible an appearance of professionalism creates a barrier, anxiety &  withdrawal. —  Understanding  equal opportunity, equality amp; inclusion in participation  whilst this is a practice approach that may be extended to all it may not be taken up by individuals in the same way. In possible contrast maybe, to the view as to how behaviourist theory relates to positive reinforcement –  operant conditioning  that may be exerted over children's choice/motivation to participate, knowing that the less pressure adults feel exposed and obligated to, the more likely it is that they'll feel free and welcomed in taki ng part where and when they are able to. Evaluation methods eg.Feedback,  survey  and sensitive questionnaires can help identify areas a setting does well in, those for further investigation and aspects of provision that individuals enjoy being part of or can see a way to suggest improvement in. Breaking/breaching confidentiality in a partnership model can cause mistrust & impact negatively on the effectiveness of future engagement –oral’ paper 7 electronically kept information data protection act If it helps there is guidance that supports further research on pages 164 and 221+ of the  Heinemann level 3 handbookParental rights  on direct gov and the  children's act 1989 Howard Gardner's multi intelligence theory. His  frames of mind  publication recognised the role of the parent as a child's first educator, providing physical and emotional influence. The  town Reggio Emilia  and the development of a philosophy and educational approach. Parent co-oper ative  model for provision Commitee run preschool www. bernardvanleer. org Attachment theory –  linked through psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud 1856 – 1939 Melanie Klein 1882 – 1960 John Bowlby 1907 – 1990 Mary Ainsworth 1913 – 1999Donald Winnicott 1896 – 1971 –  transitional object The limit of children's resillience is in repeated disruption to attachments, when people leave or let them down. Barbara Tizard suggests roles for childrens well-being, physical and emotional development exist in significant others with a genuine commitment and continuity of interest in remaining present in a child's life – carers, adoption, looked after settings, foster parents, guardians, sibling care and parenting responsibilities carried out by other immediate and extended family members.Key worker/person system Peter Elfer –  google book preview Working together: * England's eys framework: eyfs theme of positive relationships, princ iple –  parents as partners * Northern Ireland's –  NI curriuculm  foundation and areas of learning * Ireland's Aistear  guidelines for good practice  building partnerships between parents and practitioners. Wales foundation phase – positive partnerships with home,  learning and teaching pedagogy * Scotland's curriculum for excellence –  parents as partners A health care model for the support of children –  family partnership model  CPCS. org. uk Parents/carers are stakeholders in thier children's education providers in that they are the ones who retain a continued presence after a setting has been left/provision ended. Multi-agency working, how partnerships promote links with agencies and parent/carers and mosiac approach.

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